Our first buyer has moved in. - Chiselwood Our first buyer has moved in. - Chiselwood
- December 2021 -

Our first buyer has moved in.

Our first buyer has moved in! 

It’s been a rollercoaster both for our new neighbour and ourselves working through the legal pathways to sell and buy. 

The conveyance process is tough

The lending process seems to be the biggest hurdle for anyone buying a home at the moment. In years gone by, you provided evidence of your earnings and any debts you had and once those boxes were ticked you were told how much you can borrow. Now lenders are so cautious, they check every detail on incoming and outgoing, doing secondary checks last minute before releasing the funds. Whilst it is understandable to ensure the buyers can afford the mortgage, it adds a huge amount of anxiety on an already stressful process. They say moving house is one of the most stressful things you can do in life. For our buyer and ourselves, the last few months have tested patience and nerves!

We have had disappointments 

Unfortunately we have had several offers on other houses that have not gone through and I am sure the taxing process could be a reason people back out.

Focusing on plot 3

We are focusing on plot 3 now, as that was under offer until recently. Internally it is first fixed, plastered upstairs and downstairs is nearly plastered too. We can now start adding the second fixtures and fittings. The landscaping on the first 4 are nearly complete with lighting and driveways on that side being finished by mid December. 

Moving forward 

Plots 1 and 2 on the roadside have roofs, windows are starting to go in and cladding is starting to be applied. It will be great to have them watertight as the weather gets bad. 

If we are able to stay on track, we are looking to have the whole site finished externally by Easter. Focussing on each house internally alongside. Hopefully after Christmas we will have more viewings especially now the entrance is open. We expect as is usual for Chiselwood enquiries will lessen until New Year.

Chiselwood is really busy

I say “as usual”, we are not quieter with enquiries for Chiselwood. We are still having plenty of interest booking well into the year now. There are many new houses or long term projects for late 2022 which is fantastic. 

Sneak peek at a beautiful home

Recently we were able to shoot a beautiful house which we have been working on for over eighteen months. It is lovely to return and see our clients enjoy their newly furnished homes. I have included a few sneak peeks here. https://chiselwood.co.uk/projects/

It’s been an interesting year 

It is fair to say this year has been an interesting journey for us. COVID and Brexit brought additional strains to an already testing time. The challenges of keeping both Chiselwood projects and building the homes on track have not been helped with shortages of materials and manpower. However, we will get to the end of the year knowing that all the projects we have been able to manufacture will be fitted, one house is occupied and the road nearly completed. Also plenty of projects in the New Year. Although COVID is still bringing uncertainty into our lives, we are aware how fortunate we are to be so busy.

Award winning

We are excited to hear as I am writing this that we are finalists in the Lincolnshire Construction and Property Awards. Not just for one, but two! The Residential Award and the Sustainable Award. What a great reward to end the year.

A big thank you

We would like to thank our team who have been patient, tolerant and supportive of ourselves and each other. Our clients have been understanding when at times we have not been able to fully finish projects and accepted solutions to keep things on track. Our suppliers who have tried to accommodate us in difficult markets.

We hope this Christmas will be safe enough for us all to celebrate with family and friends. We wish you all well and look forward to a New Year that hopefully will be less challenging and more enjoyable.

Anyone wanting to view our houses check out: https://www.pygott-crone.com/properties/sales/rps_pyg-SLE210007/


  • Chiselwood Ltd,
  • Fossdyke House,
  • Gainsborough Road, Saxilby,
  • Lincoln LN1 2JH
01522 704446 sales@chiselwood.co.uk

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