How can it be Halloween already, I heard someone say - Chiselwood How can it be Halloween already, I heard someone say - Chiselwood
- November 2020 -

How can it be Halloween already, I heard someone say

Time is blurring, however we are thankful we are still busy and able to keep our team employed.

How can it be Halloween already, I heard someone say. I had to agree with her. I feel each day, week and month is starting to blur at the moment. The new restrictions mean little going out or spontaneity. Living and working from our site here at Chiselwood, it has got a little feeling of groundhog day! 

Projects are taking far longer

We are still working on some projects that had started just before lockdown. They are beginning to look beautiful. They were big refurbishments and therefore time consuming, each element of the works have had delays. We will be excited to hand them over for the clients to unpack and enjoy for Christmas. For them, as patient as they have all been, it has been frustrating and a hard slog. I am sure they will look forward to having the houses to themselves. We cannot wait to show you Chiselwood’s team handiwork in the New Year.

New projects are taking shape 

Projects that we have had commissioned since coming back from lockdown, are in manufacture and the clients are starting to look forward to us fitting their rooms. And the design team is busy preparing projects for the New Year. We are so thankful we have kept busy and able to keep all of our team occupied! We are very aware, how difficult the climate work wise is at the moment for many people. Especially now we are in a second lockdown.

The groundwork’s are nearly complete

The houses are getting to the end of the first phase. In a few weeks the ground contractors will be leaving us for a while. They will be back to finish roads  and landscape once the houses are near completion. The brickwork and concrete beams are being laid in readiness for the timber structures, it is lovely to see where some of the money is going above ground. Up to now we have invested a large sum of money, never to be seen again as it is all underneath soil and gravel!

Delays to the next phase

COVID has not only delayed the build, it has created a shortage of both supplies and manpower. It is getting harder to get contractors committed as they are all so busy, especially if they have a good reputation. We had to make a decision to delay the first structure going up in November. It didn’t make sense to start to erect the first house, then leave it to the elements over the Christmas period. Most of the building trade generally closes for two weeks. It is hugely disappointing, however trusting the contractors advise and having a small delay will be better than the damage that may be incurred. I am sure once New Year is on us, the trades will all follow through and it gives us additional time to ensure the supplies will be on site in time. We will hopefully catch up those few week with careful project management. 

We really want to get them on the market now and get the first house up and ready to view. It is hard to think, we are looking for the first structure going up in the new year. This time last year we were impatient to get the ground contractors in in January 2020 with the structures going up early summer. Little did we know they would only be on site a few months!!


I think many of us will be wondering where we will be in a month’s time. Certainly we will be thinking about Christmas. Maybe just not the way we are used to celebrating. The uncertainty of whether we will continue lockdown through December is not something any one would have wanted. Many of us will be putting up our decorations, thankful for what we have and reflecting on the hard and uncertain environment we are living at the moment.
Not to assume what anyone is feeling and being as kind and supportive as is possible of those around us, may help during the next few months. Thank you all who have supported us. 


  • Chiselwood Ltd,
  • Fossdyke House,
  • Gainsborough Road, Saxilby,
  • Lincoln LN1 2JH
01522 704446

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